Material Culture Essays

As an alternative to the cartonera project, you may choose to write three material culture essays (3 pages each). For each unit, choose some type of material culture (clothing, object, food, etc.) related to the historical figure in your biographical sketch for that unit. You may also choose something that is not technically material, such as ritual, norm, music, etc. Write a well-documented 3-page essay explaining its significance to your historical figure and their society. You should include a graphic of the item in your essay (this does not count toward the page count). You must also bring an audiovisual or physical object that represents one or all of your essays for your presentation on the final day of class. Everyone will present their material culture essays (or cartonera project) on the final day of class.


Bauer, Arnold J. Goods, Power, History: Latin America’s Material Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.